Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Craigslist.com – Great Resource to Find Information & Post

Craigslist.com remains a solid asset to people around the country looking to grow their business. On the website you can post free information in their classifieds. The classifieds are broken down by state and then city. You can use the site to recruit employees, post for jobs, find used goods, and many more. The classifieds are very well organized and allow you access to all marketplaces around the country.

Also, the search engines constantly read Craigslist.com for relevant information pertaining to local areas. They are listing Craigslist.com postings in there results as a service to consumers seeking information about a local area. As a free service Craigslist.com is worth dropping in to at least browse and see if you can find any information of use.

We will follow up in a later posting about how to use Craigslist.com as a tool for SEO and to grow your business.

Thanks for reading,

Zach Hoffman
SEO, Inc., CEO
Dial Up: 954-763-1130

Monday, August 28, 2006

Web Presence Building Blocks (Step 2): Site Map Building (Site Blueprints)

Web Presence Building Blocks (Step 2): Site Map Building (Site Blueprints)
By Zach Hoffman – www.SEO.cc

Blueprints are the key to building a sound structure in both the physical and virtual world. For the virtual world of the Internet we call our website blueprints “site maps.” The creation of a site map makes navigation of your site more efficient for both consumers and search engine robots (computers building search results). A site map should organize all information you plan on having on your website into a logical format.

Benefits to a site-map:
Guide to building out your site,
Increased browsing efficiency for potential consumers and search engines,
Organization to information,
Search Engine Optimization Benefits.

The site map should start at your home page (index page) and build down into categories and sub categories. Below is an example of the initial break down off of the home page (index page) for a basic dental website:


Chart 1: Home Page site map
Location + Dentist (Home Page)
Cosmetic Dentistry
Sedation Dentistry
About Us

The beginning of your site map focuses on the initial index page and builds out into sub-categories. The sub-categories will build out into various solutions for cosmetic dentistry, sedation dentistry and about you.

It is important to give prominent information first on your website and then to build out into details about what you do. Your sites main page should rarely have individual service offerings mentioned. The higher up you mention certain topics on your website it is given increased relevance to the people reading and search engines weighting of importance. The reasons it may be negative to list some detail items with prominence on the site is that it may draw away some readers and give the search engines suggested prominence of topics people are less concerned about searching for on the web.

For example, in dentistry an item would be porcelain veneers or teeth whitening, both of these would fall under the broad category of cosmetic dentistry. Therefore your primary category “Cosmetic Dentistry” should be given priority over individual items. An example site map for your cosmetic dentistry section of your page would look as follows:


Cosmetic Dentistry
Teeth Whitening
Porcelain Veneers
Before & After Photos
Before & After Photos
Before & After Photos

There are many ways you could choose to break down your site. You could breakdown dentistry concerns into a few different ways. You can make it symptom based vs. want based. You could also use various breakdowns to discuss solutions for various symptoms:
Sensitive teeth,
Chipped teeth,
Aching Jaw,
And many more symptoms/self-diagnosis your patients may bring to you on a daily basis.

Sites like WebMD didn’t get famous because they are selling services; they are giving people answers and solutions to their problems. Web speak on most sites are at a level that is too technical for your target audience. People are looking for information about what you are going to be doing to them and for them. They know what you offer because that’s what your profession provides the solution for. As an example when somebody is looking up teeth whitening they probably want to know:
How long it will take?
How long the results will last for?
Are there any health effects they need to consider?
The average searching consumer won’t see the use of Discus Dental vs. Bright Smiles as a primary concern to solving their issue. More on this will be discussed when we talk about web copy development in our next newsletter. Back to site map development.

When constructing your site map be sure to remember you want all roads you are developing leading to a destination. We have increased our client’s web conversion rates for new patients exponentially by making one small tweak 98% of dental sites lack.

Be sure your content on your site links back and forth to relevant information someone would logically want to virtually step to. An example would be if you come to us with a broken tooth there are many options to how we could help you solve your problem. This can include porcelains veneers, bonding, and other solutions depending on the concern.

If a patient is looking to have these concerns fixed they may also be a candidate for gum contouring which is where you integrate information about your laser procedures into the content. This will allow you to educate potential patients of pertinent information to concerns they would like addressed before they even come in. It will allow for more educated consultations, and a potential patient with an educated mind as to what they want from you.

Here is an example of a start to the dental site map we worked on today (it is not completely built out because this is a client service we provide):


Location + Dentist (Home Page)
Cosmetic Dentistry
Sedation Dentistry
About Us
Teeth Whitening
Porcelain Veneers
Our Team
Contact Us
Before & After Photos

Once you have created your dental site map, the next step is to develop your copy for each section of the website. We will be discussing this in our next newsletter about building out your web presence.

Web Presence Development Recap:
Step 1: Choosing the Right Domain Name
Step 2: Site Map Building (Site Blueprints)

Dental Information Technology Seminar – Saturday, December 9, 2006
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Contact Us for Details…And More Coming Soon!

Until Next Time, Zach Hoffman
www.SEO.cc – Online Marketing Agency
SEO, Inc., CEO
Dial Up: 954-763-1130

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Web Presence Building Blocks (Step 1): Choosing the Right Domain Name

For Beginners: A domain name is ____.com, a sample domain name is DallasDentistry.com. Domain name is your identifier.

Why is a domain name so critical?

Practices today spend a lot of money on marketing themselves. A ballpark figure depending on your city is $2,000-$10,000 per a month. These all encompassing marketing budgets regardless of the chosen medium usually try to market the consumer back to their website.

This is where your domain name comes into play.

For examples sake we are going to use the Dallas dental market and pick on the guys you find on the front page of Google. They pay big dollars to be there and probably bigger dollars on other mediums of marketing.

A set of domain names from here are:

Which domain names from the above set are resalable upon selling the practice?

MyDallasDentist.com, CosmeticDentistryofDallas.com, ParkCitiesDental.com, 21stCenturyDental.com, WowDentistry.net, and GrinAllDay.com


These all have retainable value because they do not mention a specific doctor’s name, and speak to the region or the broad nation. So upon selling your practice the new dentist will just need to go through your site and change the name. You should incorporate the sale of your web presence to the new dentist if you are in this position.

Which domains are premium domains from the above set?

A premium domain name is a name that can stand solo in the marketplace and receive traffic without spending marketing dollars on it.
Of the above name none in my book would be considered premium domain names for the Dallas area. The following would be:
DallasDentist.com, DentistDallas.com, DallasDentistry.com, DDSDallas.com, DallasCosmeticDentist.com etc..

The list goes on but is limited. What makes these domains premium is people may just type in the domain name and you never had to pay for the traffic at all. For example we own DallasDentistry.com and it gets over 30+ type-ins a month, these are people looking for one thing and one thing only.

How many words should be in your domain name?
As little as possible, you want people to remember it and be able to spell the domain name correctly. Try to limit your domain name to words that speak specifically to your geography and profession.

Is it okay for your domain name to have hyphens?

No, your domain name should only have hyphens if it is being used strictly to trigger keywords for search engine optimization purposes.

What extension (.com, .net, .info, .cc) should you be looking for?

.Com all the way if you are fortunate enough to be able to pick the domain name up. There are very few .com domain names left and you may need to pay a premium for the excellent ones. We acquired DallasDentistry.com in an aftermarket (www.TDNam.com) and believe me it didn’t cost $7.99, our taxes to renew it will be $7.99 a year but the initial payment was a lot more.

How does your domain name play into marketing online?

The search engines read your domain name for relevance and keywords. The more keyword rich your domain name is for what you are targeting the better off you are. If you go to the major search engines and type in a search term you may realize some of the domain names especially in the sponsored search come up in bold. This is because the computer is identifying that they found the keywords you are looking for in this domain name.

How does your domain name play into marketing through other mediums?

Domain names used on outside forms of marketing from the Internet need to be real particular. They are the GLUE holding together your overall marketing campaign. It is necessary to have a great domain name when marketing through multiple mediums or you may be hitting deaf ears with your message.

Simplicity…Only one of the domain names in our sample set is 2 words and that is WowDentistry.net. But also realize it is a .net, and local competition in Dallas owns WowDentistry.com. Hmm…is this a name you would want to market on the radio? Are your potential consumers going to remember the .com or .net? Main question is, Are you feeding someone else’s fire?

Three simple rules when choosing the right Domain Names:
Be Particular,
Go For the .Com,
And, No Hyphens.

If you have any questions about your domain name in particular, feel free to reply with any questions.
Thanks for your time,
Zach Hoffmanwww.SEO.cc
SEO, Inc., CEO
Dial Up: 954-763-1130

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Marketing Mix-Direct Mail, Print, Television/Radio, Internet - Online Marketing SEO

Marketing Mix – Learning from the Dental Players

After taking on a variety of clients it has been interesting to learn through discussion what type of marketing mix they are using. Scary thing is some people actually say, "Marketing mix?"

Marketing mix – the strategic mixing of various mediums to express your message to the marketplace

We have identified the four main marketing mediums for a local marketing mix:
Direct Mail - Newsletters
Print – Magazines/Newspapers/Yellow Pages
Direct Mail

Direct mail comes in a variety of packages. You can take two design routes: custom design route ( www.GoldenProportions.com) or template package route ( www.PatientNews.com).

Two factors you may want to account for in choosing custom vs. template are:
Budget & Timeliness Factor
Custom work will cost more and take increased time preparation.
Template will be very cookie cutter where you choose what articles you want and it can be printed and placed in the mail relatively quickly.

The most important element of your newsletter will be choosing the correct mailing list. Unless a firm has experienced Economist/Marketing (demographics experts) working for them you may be best choosing a mailing list yourself. A great source to find this information is www.InfoUSA.com an online database. They charge by the address/lead and allow you to setup your criteria for who you want to target. Key factors to target are Age, Income, Home Value, Sex, Marital Status, and Zip Code proximity.


Television and radio are great mediums for marketing but experience short shelf life. Your expression is limited to the time you buy, and only as affective as the frequency you can place.

In my local market of South Florida, where cosmetic appeal is what we breed we have been starting to hear associate practices stepping into the marketplace. Consumers know little difference between associates vs. an experienced professional, but they do know who they are hearing. Why do I say this? Well as a single professional practice your marketing budget is going to be far shy of what the associate practice can throw at a marketing push. If you are experiencing this in your marketplace you should once again refocus your marketing to a niche audience and beat out your competitor's guerrilla marketing strategy this way.

Print – Magazine/Newspapers/Yellow Pages

Print marketing works in the dental industry on a local/regional level with the right ad. If you decide to run a print ad, look into a local magazine or newspaper where your budget will allow you to market for a majority of the calendar year.

We have encountered many clients who have been burnt by numerous organizations with nationwide magazines claiming to pitch you to an "exclusive" crowd. We will not mention any of these publications in respect for other mediums but you all know who we are talking about. To pay five figures to get into a nationwide publication, unless it comes with some silent benefits, or other strategy, just isn't worth it.

Yellow Pages = garbage/firewood, need I say more? And yes we believe it worked for you ten years ago, but this is a different era.

Face it our society is not reading print, they are reading the Internet.


Internet marketing is currently the most affective medium of the above. All the above mediums feed interested consumers to the Internet. Look at you here reading the Internet for information. Your potential patients are doing the same thing; remember that sedation radio ad you ran this week? What do you think your potential patient had better odds of remembering?

Sedation Dentistry vs. Your Name?
Porcelain Veneers vs. Your Name?

Stop feeding your competition's fire, if you are marketing on various mediums today and not the Internet, STOP THE LEAK!!!! Those clients you are grooming to buy your products and services should be coming to you at the end of the day to close the deal and not your competition.

If you would like additional information about Online Marketing and your current Online positioning, feel free to contact me at Zach@SEO.cc for a free consultation.

Zach Hoffman
www.SEO.cc – Online Marketing Agency
SEO, Inc., CEO
Dial Up: 954-763-1130

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Domain Name Real Estate


Here are some steps to help you identify a domain name suitable for your business.

1. Would you like to target a location?

Answering this will help you identify a key-keyword to have in your domain name.

2. Are you a specific type of company? an Organization? etc.

This will help you identify the extension to end your domain with:
.com, .org, . biz, .info, etc...

3. What type of business are you?

Identify your profession, which will become a key keyword in your domain name also.

Here is the above applied to an example:

1. Would you like to taget a location? Yes, Dallas

2. Are you a specific type of company? Yes, we want a .com

3. What type of business are you? Dentistry

First suggestion to come to mind is DallasDentistry.com

This domain we identified is a generic domain name. Genereic domain names hold the most value because they have value to the most number of people that would be interested in your domain name.

Hope this information helps you choose a domain name and if you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Speak to you later,

Zach Hoffman
SEO, Inc., CEO

Monday, August 14, 2006

Domain Names Matter

People are starting wonder why domain names are suddenly unavailable and getting expensive. Well check out www.DNJournal.com for more information on this growing market. It's the law of supply and demand controlling the marketplace and very few excellent domains can still be found on the primary domain market. This series of events has led to many secondary markets beginning to appear. A few of the popular domain secondary markets are DomainFN.com, Sedo.com, TDNam.com, Pool.com, and many others.

Our firm solidified our positioning by catching www.SEO.cc our company website. We would be glad to help your company find a suitable domain name for your company for a one time fee of $500 per a domain. We will bring you more information shortly on how to construct a solid domain name of your own, and what extension you may want to consider purchasing.

Speak to you later,

Zach Hoffman
SEO, Inc., CEO

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Search Engine & What They Pull Back As Top Results - Google, Yahoo, & MSN

The three major search engines Google, Yahoo, and MSN all develop their search results in different ways. There are many professions that depend on efficiency of Search Engine research to help them develop reports. These include, but are not limited too, attorneys, researchers, scientist, doctors, consumers (professional shoppers), everyday business people. At the end of the day if everyone had a better understanding of how to search the search engines they would pull the results they wanted a lot quicker.

All three search engines change their style of organizing and finding data, but this is where it stands from our point this August 2006.
Google - extremely database oriented, your results will ussually have a lot of other sources that point to them as the information source on a specific topic
Yahoo - reads websites very well, it is very content oriented and if someone posted it on the web Yahoo will most likely be able to find the data on a website
MSN - they are young to the search results game, but catching up fast, there data is dependant on meta-tags and content that is near the beginning of a webpage. It does not seem their databases have been reading depth on websites.

Sorry for not going to in depth on this topic, industry secrets but if you want to know more stay tuned to this blog.

These are just are finding on what they major search engines are doing to produce results. We host private lectures on how to search the web and go a lot more in depth at these courses, to schedule e-mail us today. Also visit our company SEO, Inc. on the web.

Monday, August 07, 2006

HTML Title Tag for a Website - Meta Tags - Search Engine Optimization - www.SEO.cc

You see that title in the Upper Left hand corner of your browser? That's what we are about to write.This is the identifier to the browser of your site and also, the tag the search engine will put as the title to your page listing. The only instance where this doesn't happen is in Yahoo! where they adapt the heading from your directory submission if you place one ($299 per year). If this is the case, this is the title Yahoo! will give your website on their search engine.The following tag should be placed in the following HTML:

Blogger won't allow me to put <> and without HTML errors coming up, so if you have any questions as to these feel free to contact me.

title title

The number of characters (letters) you use are of great value when writing your title tag. You want to be as brief and concise as possible and not waste any characters on unnecessary words or phrases. Even when it comes down to using the word "and" try to use the symbol "&" this for example saves 2 character spaces.

As of August 7, 2006 the count we found for characters on the following search engines titles were as follows:
Google: 64 characters
Yahoo: 115 characters
MSN: 64 characters
Try to keep your important title information within these number of characters.Now, How do you come up with your Title?Well it is time to brainstorm...think...think...think...write down...scratch out...write down some more...uh huh, you got it?...Good!!!!

Step by Step...Title Tags:

Well if we were to classify what you do, what industry would you say you were in? Health? OK

What type of Health product? Plastic Surgeon? Ok? Plastic Surgeon

Where is the office located? South Florida? Try a city...Miami...Ok...Miami

Now so far are title should read:

In the proper HTML tags:

Miami Plastic Surgeon

Next, we want to explore some more detail as to what type of product and service offering this plastic surgeon provides. Ok...he does nose jobs, breast implants, botox, liposuction, and the list goes on. Now we need to get real, where is the doctors money from? What does he want to be ranked for? Breast Implants, Liposuction & Nose Jobs. Now your tag should read:

In the proper HTML tags:

Miami Plastic Surgeon-Breast Implants, Liposuction, Nose Jobs

Wow, all that information in just 63 characters...I should do this for a living, oh yeah I already do =)

Well now lets add some additional information about the doctor cause Yahoo will still read it. His name is Dr. Bob Stephonopolis, MD, FACS

In the proper HTML tags:

Miami Plastic Surgeon-Breast Implants, Liposuction, Nose Jobs-Dr. Bob Stephonopolis,MD,FACS

Hope this title tag sample helps, if you need any additional help or have any helpful information to add feel free to reply to this blog.

Until next time...
SEO, Inc., CEO

Meta Tag Development - SEO Basics

Since I run SEO, Inc. I am going to post up some blogs about search engine optimization. I will teach people how to do it, but remember there is no 100 percent right way, the only guy doing it more right is the one that ranks above you. SEO is a fun game so have fun with it.
We appreciate all feedback and input cause thats the only way to grow our knowledge.

All meta-tags must have title, keywords, and a description. The three must at some point logically connect. Showing some form of logical repetition but be careful to make sure you do not place to many repeat phrases because you don't want to be accused of spamming.

Be sure to target niche market keywords, meaning specific products, geographic locations and other identifiers. If you straight up attempt to target a single word or two words odds are you will have a tough time working your way to the top. One way to identify lucrative keywords is to use a Google AdWords account or Yahoo Overture bid tool to track what words are being searched. The Google AdWords method may cost you a few dollars to test but is worth it in the long run.

Here is a copy of meta-tags we prepared for a client
.. name="description" content="Aventura Dentist Dr. Howard J. Hoffman, DDS, MPS, creates healthy rejuvenated smiles using cosmetic and sedation dentistry. Located in Aventura-Miami, South Florida. He offers sedation dentistry for patients who prefer dental treatment in a few visits. As an Aventura-Miami dental professional he serves patients from many South Florida areas including Aventura, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Coral Springs and all surrounding areas.">.. name="keywords" content="dentist aventura, aventura cosmetic dentist, aventura sedation dentist, aventura cosmetic dentistry, aventura sedation dentistry, aventura dentistry, aventura dental, dental, dentist, dentistry florida, FL, dentist, florida, dds, mps, howard j. hoffman, south florida">

Aren't those tags beautiful? The client ranks in the top 5 consistently on all three major search engines. Now to optimize this guy there was more then just meta-tags involved, but your meta-tags are your bread and butter to consistentcy. All three search engines look for different aspects, but this a key identifier for them.

In the title we put our most important keywords at the head of the title - first two words. This tells the search engine what we are here for. In this clients case it is -dentist aventura. The search engine computers are comparable to your librarian sorting and organizing information according according to a system. Considering there are thousands of websites out there you need to be sure to make the search engines job as easy as possible. You tell what you want verbatim, you will get the results you desire. Its your ABC of life -always be closing...tell the search engine the end deal you want.

In the title tag we are always sure to count the number of characters in the title, of sites on the search engine results page. This tells us the max number of characters we can expect the search engine to read our site for. Now be careful when writing your source code and make sure you stay within a limited number of characters to get your message across. Concise descriptions will help you get your message across clearly.

Now your description should read logically and read well to a human reader. Most search engines look to this information first to pull the description they place on the search engine results. They also will check to make sure your title reads with similar keyword targets.
As for your keywords be sure not to target individual keywords, but to target phrases. With affective SEO, you will have identified these phrases and hone in on them. For example in our example case we targetted aventura dentist , as opposed to the keyword should be an actual phrase. Well anyway need to go work on manipulating your search engine results, good luck, and if you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Later, Zach