Monday, July 07, 2008

Search Engine Marketing

A Search Engine Marketing program in today's market should create an Online Marketing campaign with key strategies to bring highly qualified visitors to your website from the major search engines. Search Engine Marketing targets visitors that are expressing interest in your products or services by asking the search engines for information related to your field.

A common practice in Search Engine Marketing today is Search Engine Optimization - SEO – the strategy of creating a website as a relevant source in regards to a websites information. This allows your website to appear on the search engine in the area many associate as being the search engine‘s choice website as a source of information.

Traditional SEO complimented by a Sponsored Search campaign commonly referred to as PPC - Pay-Per-Click or CPC – Cost-Per-Click marketing allows companies to target keywords beyond what their website may currently focus on. Sponsored Search also allows a website owner to have a flexible strategy when it comes to choosing the keywords they would like to attract visitors for or the geographic area they would like to target.

Search Engine Optimization and Sponsored Search combined create a complete SEM - Search Engine Marketing strategy. Search Engine Marketing gives many visitors the impression that your website is a qualified information source because it is at the top of the search engines.

The quality of website visitor traffic can vary based on your website positioning. When being placed at the top of the search engine you are most likely to attract an active and ready to act shopper. Whereas being placed on the second or third page of the search engine you are more likely to attract a researching visitor.

A complete Search Engine Marketing solution should encompass both Search Engine Optimization and Sponsored Search on the major search engines.

Once a visitor arrives at your website you want them to perceive you as a relevant source of information. You are already in the consumers’ mind relevant to a specific topic because the user found you on the major search engines. The next step in the communication channel is developing a relationship.

When a visitor arrives on your website it is important they find relevant content. Visitors to your website can represent many objectives in the online world, including turning a visitor into a lead or sale. When creating your online marketing strategy for your business it is important to focus on the results you would like to see your website deliver – leads or sales –it is also important to create a concise message that you would like your visitor’s to receive.

Qualified website visitors can arrive from both types of search engine marketing, Search Engine Optimization and Sponsored Search Marketing. We find the best way to test Search Engine Marketing and its effectiveness, is by starting with a Sponsored Search Marketing campaign and using the data collected in your campaign to create the strategy for your Search Engine Optimization campaign. A Search Engine Optimization campaign is not as dynamic for targeting as a Sponsored Search Marketing campaign, though a Search Engine Optimization campaign will mark your site as a relevant source for information.--

Zach Hoffman - Online Marketing Agency
Dial Up: 866-999-4SEO (4736)