Monday, August 07, 2006

Meta Tag Development - SEO Basics

Since I run SEO, Inc. I am going to post up some blogs about search engine optimization. I will teach people how to do it, but remember there is no 100 percent right way, the only guy doing it more right is the one that ranks above you. SEO is a fun game so have fun with it.
We appreciate all feedback and input cause thats the only way to grow our knowledge.

All meta-tags must have title, keywords, and a description. The three must at some point logically connect. Showing some form of logical repetition but be careful to make sure you do not place to many repeat phrases because you don't want to be accused of spamming.

Be sure to target niche market keywords, meaning specific products, geographic locations and other identifiers. If you straight up attempt to target a single word or two words odds are you will have a tough time working your way to the top. One way to identify lucrative keywords is to use a Google AdWords account or Yahoo Overture bid tool to track what words are being searched. The Google AdWords method may cost you a few dollars to test but is worth it in the long run.

Here is a copy of meta-tags we prepared for a client
.. name="description" content="Aventura Dentist Dr. Howard J. Hoffman, DDS, MPS, creates healthy rejuvenated smiles using cosmetic and sedation dentistry. Located in Aventura-Miami, South Florida. He offers sedation dentistry for patients who prefer dental treatment in a few visits. As an Aventura-Miami dental professional he serves patients from many South Florida areas including Aventura, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Coral Springs and all surrounding areas.">.. name="keywords" content="dentist aventura, aventura cosmetic dentist, aventura sedation dentist, aventura cosmetic dentistry, aventura sedation dentistry, aventura dentistry, aventura dental, dental, dentist, dentistry florida, FL, dentist, florida, dds, mps, howard j. hoffman, south florida">

Aren't those tags beautiful? The client ranks in the top 5 consistently on all three major search engines. Now to optimize this guy there was more then just meta-tags involved, but your meta-tags are your bread and butter to consistentcy. All three search engines look for different aspects, but this a key identifier for them.

In the title we put our most important keywords at the head of the title - first two words. This tells the search engine what we are here for. In this clients case it is -dentist aventura. The search engine computers are comparable to your librarian sorting and organizing information according according to a system. Considering there are thousands of websites out there you need to be sure to make the search engines job as easy as possible. You tell what you want verbatim, you will get the results you desire. Its your ABC of life -always be closing...tell the search engine the end deal you want.

In the title tag we are always sure to count the number of characters in the title, of sites on the search engine results page. This tells us the max number of characters we can expect the search engine to read our site for. Now be careful when writing your source code and make sure you stay within a limited number of characters to get your message across. Concise descriptions will help you get your message across clearly.

Now your description should read logically and read well to a human reader. Most search engines look to this information first to pull the description they place on the search engine results. They also will check to make sure your title reads with similar keyword targets.
As for your keywords be sure not to target individual keywords, but to target phrases. With affective SEO, you will have identified these phrases and hone in on them. For example in our example case we targetted aventura dentist , as opposed to the keyword should be an actual phrase. Well anyway need to go work on manipulating your search engine results, good luck, and if you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Later, Zach